What makes us sexy? Here’s what the science says

If you’re like the rest of us, you’ve probably spent hours in front of your mirror trying to figure out how to make that special someone fancy you back.

a woman's mouth with red lipstick

If your seduction attempts aren’t getting the results you’re hoping for, don’t blame the lipstick, the dress, or yourself. Your sex appeal is influenced by a lot of different factors, many of which have nothing to do with your physical appearance.

It’s not just us at panty.com who say this. Scientific research has helped us understand how beauty and sensuality are incredibly subjective, and that hormones play a greater role in attraction than we think.

According to biologist Michael Ryan of the University of Texas, there is no real definition of beauty and no finite list of attributes that can make someone beautiful. In order to find out if someone is beautiful to someone else, you would have to live inside that person’s brain and know exactly what makes them tick.

How to be sexy? There’s no one answer. Even our upbringing and the cultural beauty standards that surround us impact our idea of sexy.

Why do we want to be sexy?

Like animals, we crave sex. When we desire sex with someone, we start to calculate ways to attract them to us. Sometimes we succeed, sometimes we don’t. And our failures don’t mean we’re unattractive. For the most part, they’re due to us simply being different from what that person desired at that time.

woman in front of man with briefs falling down

Is sexiness something only women care about?

Absolutely not. Just like women, men can 'fail' in their attempts to be sexy and look for ways to be attractive to a potential partner. For both women and men, hormones play a key role.

Did you know that when a woman’s fertile period comes to an end, they have higher standards of sexiness? Meaning that if you were sexy to her yesterday, you might not be today…

Science, therefore, confirms that beauty and sensuality are subjective and ever changing.

The advice from us at panty.com is to let go of ordinary beauty standards. You are sexy! And the more you feel you are, the more others will feel that way, too.

sexy men and women

Confident people are often the most attractive, regardless of physical appearance. Some people will like you, others won’t. It doesn’t matter as long as you like yourself!